Dear families,
Robyn is on leave this week, so you’re stuck with me sending out communications to you at the moment. This lockdown came out of nowhere, so it has been a bit of a scramble to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. We’re nearly there now! You have all been incredibly patient with us, many thanks for that.
Just a heads up for you, from now on we will be communicating our updates like this through XUNO news updates and our school Facebook page. If you have not set up XUNO on your phones, please call the school if you need help to do this. It costs the school a fortune to send text messages out every time, so we need to cut that back a little.
We have made a few changes to our Remote Learning expectations, as we need to continue our learning programs as best as we can. This plan will begin Monday 9th until Thursday 12th August (unless we get an extension).
Things to take note of:
- All students will take part in a daily check-in Webex. Teachers will contact you to tell you the exact time. Grade Preps & Grade 3-4 will be sometime between 9.00-10.00am. The Grade 1-2 students and Grade 5-6 students will be sometime between 10.00-11.00am.
- All students will take part in an extra small group learning maths/english Webex with their teacher at least once during the week- the teacher will book this with your child on Webex
- Wellbeing Wednesday will be happening (daily check in Webex will still happen on Wednesday)
- Teachers will be planning from 2.30pm and will not be available
Some other information you might be interested in:
- Studies have shown that music, art, dancing, singing, drama, etc are all very good for the wellbeing of our children during lockdown. So that means, when you’re not doing slides, it’s time for some fun!
- Studies have also shown that any time outside enjoying backyards, bushland nearby, or anywhere outside is so good for children too.
- The other thing to remember is: “You’re doing the best you can, and that’s ok!”. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need support, or even to let us know things are a struggle and you might need some help.
If you need some guidance on how to use Webex, Google Classroom and find out your child’s login details, please click button below.
All the best,
Tammie Meehan
(Assistant Principal)